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Top 5 News Trending on Social Media This June

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Top 5 News Trending on Social Media This June

1. Clean feed Initiative
Nepal Government is on its way to revolutionize Television by the introduction of Clean feed scheme. In this scheme, foreign channels are broadcasted without the foreign advertisements that accompany it. However, protests are ongoing from the side of Cable TV operators who argue that this policy would lead to their downfall. The Cable operators also implemented a 24-hour long protest on 25th June 2019 where they blocked the broadcast of foreign channels, violating both citizen’s rights and the constitution. If the Clean Feed Policy were to be implemented, there would be more advertisement slots for Nepali businesses and services, which would help in the promotion of Nepali products.

2. Guthi Bill
Guthi is a group of people who take the initiation to preserve and protect community spirit in people – specifically the cultural heritage, local celebrations, community infrastructures, etc. They are self funded. Throughout Nepal, Guthis are widely present and claim the ownership & maintenance of large amounts of land and heritages. The Government recently proposed the Guthi Bill – which demands the nationalization of all Guthi Property as well as to take over the protection, funding and maintenance of cultural heritages and all that the Guthi looked after. This was met with an outspread of protest not only from the people associated with Guthis but also from people who were not. This led to one of the largest protest gatherings at Maitighar Mandala, where people from all parts of the Kathmandu Valley came together to show their disapproval towards the bill and ultimately the government had to withdraw the bill.

3. Immigrant Crisis : Rio Grande drowning
The news turning heads all over the world has been of the drowning of a father and daughter while trying to enter USA through the Rio Grande River. Statistics show that a total of 283 people died trying to cross the river into America in 2018 alone. Americans themselves are starting to question if this is the treatment of refugees they want. The father and daughter first crossed the river where he placed her on the bank and was swimming back towards his wife when the little girl jumped back after him. He swam back to rescue the girl when a strong current drowned them.

4. Iran-US trouble
It all started when Iran shot down an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) that it claimed was of United States and flying unauthorized within its borders. United states retaliated by stating that the UAV was simply flying above international waters. Following this, orders were given by the US president Donald Trump to carry out military strikes against Iran, which he revoked just 10 minutes before they were to take place. He then tweeted, “ On Monday they shot down an unmanned drone flying in International Waters. We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it, not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone. I am in no hurry, our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world. Sanctions are biting & more added last night. Iran can NEVER have Nuclear Weapons, not against the USA, and not against the WORLD!”

5. Gay Marriage in Nepal
Nepal has come very far in terms of LGBT Rights. Two boys got married in Jhapa earlier this week – when social media flooded with the news, there were nothing but streams of congratulations pouring for the newly-wed couple.With same-sex marriages being dissed in many places around the world, it is heart-warming to see a country everyone calls backward, showing such display of Humanity.

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SMP Pvt. Ltd.

SMP Pvt. Ltd is a Digital Marketing Agency which has been operating in Nepal for the past nine years. At the heart of our service lies promoting brands primarily through the use of social media. Facebook has remained as our prime tool for creating brand awareness and engagement among users. We also provide social media marketing services on platforms like Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Google Plus, etc. We have been working side-by-side with the sought after clients in various sectors, ensuring the execution of the innovative campaign flawlessly.

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